Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ever Get That Feeling...

Like when you know you should read a book, but you just can't bring yourself to do it? Usually its a school book your forced to read (The Pearl or Heart of Darkness) or something you've borrowed from a friend who is convinced its the best book in the world, yet its sooooooooo bored, btu you don't want to hurt her feelings. Well for me its my own book, but I'm just not in the mood for a horse story. I'm supposed to be reading Moon Filly, but I just didn't feel like it, so I looked at the next book on the list. Fatal Voyage and yet again I didn't feel like reading it. It would have been starting a new series and I didn't want to do that, so I picked up Hunted from HON. Have only read one page since I jumped on now, but I'm enjoying it (: Though when I tried to read more I got attacked by little cousin who's down from Canberra :) She's soooo cute :)

0j <3

P.S. Now 100 and something pages into Hunted and I've realised I did miss HON even though I agree with the majority that its gone on for two long and I'm only up to the fifth book! (:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Update (:

While I was sitting on Facebook (Joey Fitzgerald Carter) I realised I hadn't written a post for VBS in a while. I decided to update everything and let you guys know whats going on, what I've been reading. I can tell you I have finished Afterlife. There goes another series. I'm sad that its ended as usual, but I must admit I was missing the whole going to classes feel you got in the first two, like I was feeling when reading the last Harry Potter.

In the mean time I have also finished a few other Thoroughbred books and something by Tamora Pierce. Just a few hours ago I also finished reading The Notebook (which reminds me I have to update what I'm reading). And let me tell you it had me in tears. Such a beautiful story, but I'll save the rest for its review, don't want to give away too many spoilers for those who haven't read it.

I've been trying to find the time to post blog entries, get the site up and running with the books I have written and do school work... well the school work bit is a little bit of a lie. I'm actually on holidays, but haven't had time to read much or even go on the computer the last few days as I have been at the horse camp in the middle of no where. No power, not even reception. I will try to read more, write more and update more.

0j <3